Friday, June 12, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Robocraft Day 4

I decided to restart again and build a smaller machine. Using minimal blocks and staying within the wheels it should maneuver easier and go faster.
The car did excellent in battle… as long as I did turn too sharply. I learnt that by pressing F it flips the car up right. I wonder what Q does? I had a lot of fun playing a battle very similar to capture the flag. I even managed to level up. Because my car was so small and fast it was nearly impossible for other players to hit me. It’s also better to travel in groups and take down the opponents as a team.  I think I’m going to lengthen the car a bit to put more guns on it and maybe help it balance better.
With the bridge lengthened on my car and the extra guns, the vehicle works excellent. I learnt that when you are in your team’s base, your car will repair itself. Over all I really am enjoying the game.

Robocraft Day 3

I thought it may have been interesting to try and make a pyramid. Shortly after a while I realized I had insufficient blocks and had to make do with what I had. The guns are placed on all corners of my vehicle, leaving no blind spots. My driver and wheels are safely tucked inside of the pyramid maximizing defenses. My only concern now is that it might be TOO big and TOO heavy.
 Well I was correct; the pyramid is a bit heavy and slow. But the defenses and shooting are impressive. I decided to take it out for a spin in battle. Within moments I realized that this vehicle was terrible at off roads and loved to spin around and confuse me to heck. It’s good to have some sort of indicator of which way your vehicle travels forward to remove confusion. I ended up having to self-destruct by pressing esc because of getting caught on a rock due to its bulkiness.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Robocraft Day 2

This time I designed a vehicle with stronger materials and with the back wheels spaced further than the front. Hopefully with this new wheel placement I will have more control of the vehicle.
I've finished building the main bulk of the vehicle. Unintentionally I learnt that scrolling the mouse re-positions the block you want to place. This trick will save me a lot of time placing temporary blocks in order to get my desired positioning. Now I just need to select my guns and try it out in battle.
It seems that despite my efforts for this new wheel placement, the fishtailing and sliding hasn't decreased. Most of the guns are placed at the rear where I had more room to place; the problem with this is the guns hit the vehicle instead of the others and creates a distraction to me. The nose of the vehicle is also a bit too long making it difficult to travel up some inclines. I think I might as well start over again… I have an interesting idea.

Robocraft Day 1

After emptying out what was in my garage I attempted to build my first vehicle. Some basics I had learnt is that the tab button brings up my menus in which I can select materials and tools to builds with. The tab menu also gives the option of entering your cart into battles or test driving it.
Shortly after my first battle I came to the realization that my car was easily damaged after only 2-3 direct shots. The wheel placement also served to be an issue; especially on ice, for it attended to fishtail every time I tried to turn. The guns were also so close together that they hit each other instead of the enemies. Back to the drawing board.