Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Robocraft Day 2

This time I designed a vehicle with stronger materials and with the back wheels spaced further than the front. Hopefully with this new wheel placement I will have more control of the vehicle.
I've finished building the main bulk of the vehicle. Unintentionally I learnt that scrolling the mouse re-positions the block you want to place. This trick will save me a lot of time placing temporary blocks in order to get my desired positioning. Now I just need to select my guns and try it out in battle.
It seems that despite my efforts for this new wheel placement, the fishtailing and sliding hasn't decreased. Most of the guns are placed at the rear where I had more room to place; the problem with this is the guns hit the vehicle instead of the others and creates a distraction to me. The nose of the vehicle is also a bit too long making it difficult to travel up some inclines. I think I might as well start over again… I have an interesting idea.

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