Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Robocraft Day 5

I upgraded the vehicles guns to a more powerful version which was excellent. I also added two thrusters onto the back of the car to increase speed; the problem with that is it doesn't work well on ice. I think I will remove the thrusters.
I tried out a new cannon weapon in battle. I didn't like how it did just as much damage if not less than the other weapons, and it took forever to load for the next shot. I removed the thrusters from the back of my vehicle and it solved the mobility issues. I saw a glider in battle and think it would be fun to build my own.
I have the basic design of the glider set out… Hopefully it’ll fly and isn’t too heavy.
While building the vehicle, I accidentally pressed F which switched my building tool. I soon figured out that if you already have the block you desire placed somewhere else on your vehicle, you can select it by going over it with your cursor and pressing F.
Steering is very hard on the glider; I must be missing something. It also flipped and I was unable to flip it right side up again. I learnt that the space bar increases height… now I just have to figure out how to get down.

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